My name is SASKIA DE BADTS, and my passion is helping women over the age of 50 achieve and maintain their ideal weight, live stress-free, feel energized, and enjoy a comfortable work/life balance. My well-being4women coaching practice provides one-on-one support to women with a range of health issues, helping them to unlock their full potential and live their best lives.

I’ve “been there”–and also studied extensively at the world’s leading health coach institute.

My journey towards becoming a health coach began with my own struggles: For too many years, I suffered from negative body image, eating disorders, depression, and stress. Knowing firsthand how difficult it is to overcome such problems, I felt inspired to pursue a career in health coaching so that I could help other women who are facing similar challenges.

My coaching philosophy is based on the belief that every woman is unique, with her own needs and goals. I take a personalized approach, working closely with each client to develop a plan that works for her lifestyle. I provide guidance, support, and accountability to help clients make lasting changes and achieve optimal health and wellness.

Let’s help you find your balance and achieve positive, lasting change.

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